The Doctor Is In.

Emma Rose Erotica
3 min readMar 15, 2023

A nurse collects a semen sample from the doctor.

I stood motionless. My heart raced, as I stood nervously excited when the doctor entered the examination room behind me.

He looked out into the hallway, then closed the door. The doctor reached down and rubbed my mound hard through my scrub pants, and I instinctively pushed back slightly against his hand in response.

“Untie your pants,” he ordered.

I did so, and he pulled down my pants and then stepped back to look at me.

“Now, take off your bra.” I lifted my shirt, unhooked my bra, and let it drop.

I stood before him with my tits exposed, feeling incredibly self-conscious. He stroked his hand slowly over my boobs and down inside my panties.

“Oh… yeah!” he gasped, surprised by the thickness of my pussy fur.

The doctor stepped back and undid his belt, undid the button, lowered the zipper, and pushed his khakis and boxers down to his knees. His dick sprang out… Sticking straight out. It was thick and about eight inches long, with a big mushroom head.

His cock pushed in between my thighs as he cupped and squeezed my tits. The doctor rolled his thumbs across my nipples, causing them to stiffen.

